Lola ~ Vision Therapy ~ 2.13.15 |
1. Lola grew out of three 6 month size clothing items today - 2 pairs of adorable Carter's jeggings (too tight in her waist, shockingly!) & a darling Dr. Seuss onesie (boohoo! It was one of my favorites!). The other day I wondered if she had some crazy problem with the salivary glands in her cheeks because they looked so puffy. I about Googled that shit when I realized that she simply had just gained weight! None of us can believe how HEALTHY Lola is looking these days. It is such a joy for us to see her like this after watching her hit rock bottom a year or so ago weight-wise. Thank you, 8 lb. 6 oz. Baby Jesus, for letting Lola grow bigger than you! HA!
#CashandLola |
3. Lola is consistently showing she knows what's up when we put a bib around her neck or a burp rag underneath her chin. She immediately starts making a clicking noise with her tongue and suckling like she knows it is feeding time! So cool!!! Oh, how I love this girl o' mine. See the video below for a little snippet of my girl in action today, downing some cantaloupe like a boss!
4. Lola now randomly gets B.O. in her right armpit only. I'm not sure if this is an accomplishment or not, but it seems huge to me. My little girl is growing up! (Don't think I didn't Google "Is it abnormal for an 8 year old to have B.O." before realizing that it is probably the most age appropriate thing she's done her whole damn life. Ha!) Claire didn't start getting stinky until she was 11 or 12, so this seems odd. However, others assure me their typical children start getting funky around 8-9 years old, so it's likely nothing to be worried about. Considering the girls don't sweat at all, I still find this B.O. vexing. But as with every other weird ass thing my girls do, I'm choosing to let it goooooooo! (In my best Frozen rendition! Don't judge. Last night Scott said to Claire, "Don't cry!" and then he said, "Don't cry for me, Argentina!" & I belted out in my best opera voice, "The truth is I never left you..." and I don't even know anymore lyrics than that, but I totally felt like "the shit.") How the hell I got from B.O. to a title track from the musical Evita, composed by the great Andrew Lloyd Webber, NO ONE KNOWS, but once again, I wanna give a shout out to Google for giving me the 411 on that. (Did that "411" comment make me sound old or super awesome?!)