How is it at all possible that my sweet Claire turns 13 today?!?!
Our first year with Claire feels like yesterday. It was cram-packed full of fear, little hope & worry. I have not forgotten the exact words that were spoken to us when Claire was 3 months old... "She likely will not live to be 1 year old." I remember feeling as if everything in my life were crumbling -- that my whole world, my reason for being, my future -- were all shattered. I had so wanted a daughter. I picked out the name "Claire" when *I* was 13. I had this image of what my little girl would be like, what we'd do together, how I'd fix her hair & paint her toenails like mine & dress like twinkies & we'd be SO CLOSE & she would be spunky & funny & cute & perfect.
And we were given just that. In a very different package than we were expecting, yet no less special.
"You can either be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It all depends on how you view your life."
~Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes
July 2014 ~ Sportin' her new 'do! |
July 2014 ~ PT in the pool with Angela! |
I look back now & realize all that I would never wish to be... as a mother, a wife, a friend, a person. I love who Claire has made me become. I love how she has united our family and shown us what really matters. I love that she touches people -- total strangers -- without ever having spoken a word. I love that her eyes speak volumes and her expressions convey more than any words ever could. I am in awe of her strength -- oh, her amazing strength! -- it makes me want to be more & support others more & LOVE MORE. I love her determination and her spirit. Guys, my girl is working on standing & supporting herself in a crawling position!!!!! I wasn't sure this was even possible. I love that my girl took that "1 year maximum prognosis" and basically told those doctors to fuck off. Don't think for one second that my annual "Claire is STILL defying your stupid-ass odds" letter won't be sent to that dick doctor today. I love how my girl loves. I love that her whole life is based on love & giving as much of it as she possibly can EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. because honestly, that is all any of us should ever strive to do.
"Love is pulling together against all odds."
~Smiley Blanton
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Fall 2001 ~ Those eyes... they have always seen straight to my soul. Then & now. |
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November 2002 ~ Claire being a "triplet" with her newborn twin cousins, Elisabeth & Christina |
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November 2004 ~ Photo by Gavin Peters |
January 2005 ~ Cal & Claire with Gran |
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November 2006 ~ I love these hooligans! |
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August 2008 ~ "Geek Chic" taken to a WHOLE 'nother level before it was even cool! |
November 2010 |
Happy 13th Birthday, my Mimi. You are my heart. For always.