OK, so if you've not heard of or witnessed firsthand this whole "
Geek Chic"
clusterfuck phenomenon, you are clearly living in a hole. Throngs of people everywhere are rockin' 80's frames like nobody's business, and quite frankly, I'm appalled. Observe...
Do you REALLY think this looks GOOD?!?!?! I'm not convinced... |
What it makes *ME* think of is this classic scene from Seinfeld...
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These frames are soooo "hott." |
I couldn't write this post without "going there..." And by this, I mean, I could not blog about nerdy glasses without addressing my own demons associated with this fashion
faux pas trend. I am guilty of sportin' geeky frames pre-geek-chic era. In multiple colors. Larger than life. With bifocals. Not proud.
But because I love you guys, I dug deep in my scary, dark, possibly spider-infested storage room to find that one box which contained my old picture albums. Ahhhh yes. There were some gems in there for sure.
I present to you FIVE blasts from the
incredibly dorky past...
I like big frames and I cannot lie! Circa 1985-ish Classic shot here... check me & my classic tortoise shell fucking huuuuuuge glasses paired with the jubilee of stripes, the mock turtleneck sleeveless shirt, the dual-waistband pants (again, ahead of their time, somewhat mimicking the boxers/athletic shorts sag action of the 1990's), braces (and headgear, not pictured), and spiky, chopped-up "bob" (if you will). WOW. Pissed as hell I didn't have on my 3 multicolored Swatches in this picture, because that totally would've completed this classic ensemble. But hey, that dog is suuuuuper cute! Nice of me to show his junk off for the picture. Lordy. 50 shades of WRONG here. |
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My apologies to my middle school boyfriend-of-the-week, Jordan R., for posting this choice shot. Can I get a "HEEEEEEYYYYY HOOOOOOO" for Forenza & clear frames though?! I'm not even gonna go there on the asymmetrical, permed, super short 'do. |
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Second shot of the clear frames, just in case you missed their awesomeness in the pic above. You're welcome. |
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While these only teeter on "Geek Chic," I still couldn't pass up the chance to showcase a forgotten find from the 80's. And no, I'm not referring to the picture behind me on my closet door of Jo from Facts of Life (WTF?! As Scott said, out of ALL the F.O.L characters I could have chosen, I chose JO!?!? She was kind of a badass...). No, instead I am referring the clear-to-slightly-purplish specs which happen to attach AT THE BOTTOM of the frame vs. at the top or middle, for added style and flare. I HAD to have these, as I recall. Mom tried to steer me away, but I refused to give. These were "the ones." Couple those with some twisty beads, a random pin on my fake-Polo's popped collar, pink angular, non-matching pointy earrings, and an apparent permed mullet, I had it goin' on. (I miss my Cocoa though!!! My first doggie!) |
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For added entertainment, I have attached a side profile so you could better enjoy these stylish glasses frames. (And glimpse that mullet and yet a SECOND pair of dorky, gigantic earrings of mine. And another fluffy white dog. And part of our Christmas tree. And non-digital photography. |
Fast forward ummmm... 15-ish years (HA!)...
These feel so natural, as I basically trained my whole awkward tween-teen years for this very moment! (Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mrs. Pocket! I love you, Elisabeth & Maranda!) |
My REAL "Geek Chic" glasses |
Several months ago, a well known pediatric ophthalmologist who specializes in
Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) was in town and evaluated both Claire & Lola's eyes. It was a very informative visit, and we were given many ideas which could help improve and maximize the girls' vision. One of those suggestions was to try reading glasses to help their eyes converge and see better up close. So, we ordered up some
Miraflex frames for both girls, as they were supposedly the most hardy, and considering our girls' tone/arching/tantrums, we decided hardy was good (that's what she said!). So, whenever the girls are working with us or their therapists up close, they wear their glasses. Some days it's a complete disaster, but other days, we think they appear to be focusing MORE & seeing BETTER. We are all about maximizing their lives any way we can, so... BOOM!
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This was a pair of glasses that the doctor brought as a sample to see if they helped the girls see better. Claire immediately focused on the light on the mirror... and probably how freakin' cute she was, too. Diva! |
Claire in her new glasses! We actually ordered a reddish-pink color, but after about two months of waiting for the frames/lenses, we just took what we could get. Good enough! She wears these glasses probably only 1-2 hours per week TOTAL. We are easing into them, as we don't want the "Jerry Seinfeld effect" from above (dizziness?!), and Claire is QUITE CLEAR as to when she's DONE wearing them. Love this girl o' mine! |
AQUA?! You got me AQUA?! |
Our tiny, naked librarian, Polly P. (Our new nickname for Lola, a spin-off of both Polly Pocket & Pauly D from Jersey Shore. Clearly she needs a little more of the T & L from "GTL!!!") Scott thinks she looks like a racy superhero here, complete with the Robin-esque "mask." How. RUDE! |
Getting kisses from Jan, one of our beloved babysitters! |
Here are a few action shots (HA!) of the girls wearing their glasses during therapy...
Claire giving Donna (AKA Mrs. D) hell... half expected to see that middle finger on her left hand! Pretty sure she was pissed because she had to get up before 11:00 am. HA! Also, Claire is rockin' her Larkie Lu Bow! THANKS, GINA! |
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Thanks to Michelle (Vision Teacher) & Shelly (OT) for all your hard work with our girlies! |
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OVERSTIMULATED MUCH?! Don't be afraid to tell us how you REALLY feel, Claire. |
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Savin' the drama for her Mama |
Polly Ann looks like a tiny stalker in this picture. If only we could've gotten a dark-ish lens tint on these bad boys... |
Lola (possibly pouting!) with Andee, our physical therapist (or physical terrorist, as Donna used to say!) |
We are so grateful to all our therapists, doctors and babysitters who help us optimize our girls' lives... we truly are so blessed with such an amazing "team" of people who care! WE LOVE YOU ALL!
"Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content." ~Helen Keller
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