LOTS & LOTS of emails, texts & prayers have been going up in our household for Claire & Lola's "little brother," Aidan, 1/4 of
"The Quads." For the past several months, he and his little brother, Ty, have both battled the most horrific illness/condition... both have fought with everything in them for their very lives. Ty was able to recover, and he is doing well now, thankfully. Aidan, however, is still struggling daily to recover from this gruesome disease. His little body has been through SO MUCH, yet he continues to endure day in and day out, despite the immense pain he often experiences. He is truly one of the strongest people I know.
August 20, 2011 ~ Ty, Lola, Aidan & Claire ~ Quads reunited! |
I am asking for prayers for Aidan that he can overcome this very soon and no longer be in pain. And mad love & prayers, too, for Aidan's parents, Stephanie (my bestie) & Jason, to hold onto hope and continue providing such amazing, loving care for their boys. You guys are my heroes, and I love you very much. To read more about their family, visit
What... A Whirlwind and/or
Aidan's CaringBridge page. We love you with all our hearts, Aidan, and we're
ALWAYS here for all of you however we can be.
November 2011 |
We are pulling for you, sweet Aidan!!!!! You are SO incredibly loved by so many... |
December 17, 2011 ~ Aidan, Cole & Ty with Santa |
"Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all..." ~Emily Dickinsonxo
He's got our prayers too. It's amazing how these kids fight just to live and enjoy some semblance of life...and some of us take our own lives for granted. But it's inspiring. God be with them all.
I've been keeping Ty in my prayers. What a fighter!
Just wandered over because of BlogHer's sidebar suggestion. Many hugs and prayers for everyone. <3
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