Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Random Sh*t I Love

On behalf of the big V Day (and I don't mean VASECTOMY!), I wanted to make a jovial little list of some random shit I love.  And considering I've got a DATE (!) with my sexy Valentine tonight, I better get this going...

For starters, we can get THESE dodes guys out of the way as things I effing LOVE...
How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways... a giant DORK shirt worn out to a busy bowling alley this past weekend HAS to top the list.  No really, I <3 you, babe.  SO MUCH!  Soulmates INDEED.  xo
Cali Swag (apparently this is the nickname your friends at school gave you, and I'm SOOOOO usin' it!), I am SO proud of you in all you do!  You are the best damn Flarp farter I've ever known.  You make me smile and laugh out loud EVERY.  SINGLE.  DAY. -- without fail! -- and I LOVE YOU FOR THAT!  You are my heart.  xo
Buggy Boo!  You were born to swim, m'dear.  Your body was perfectly designed for it, and you rock Speedos like nobody's business.  :)  I am so enamored by you STILL.  I cannot take my eyes off of you, and I feel so connected to you on a soul level.  There are just no words to describe it.  I am SO PROUD to call you my daughter.  xo
Mrs. Ann, what can I say but you and I are so connected... physically (my "Velcro baby!"), emotionally, and spiritually.  I have always felt like you were an extension of me.  You make sure you are always near, and your voice is ALWAYS heard!  I love that you are so spunky and you use your vomit as a deadly, forceful weapon.  You're my badass "baby," and yes, you ARE still (and always will be!) my BABY!!!!!!  Even though you are damn near 6.  xo
My 14.5 year old, Pre... this picture was taken years ago as you took over one of the kids' car seats.  You always make me smile!  You are so fiercely protective & loving of all three of our kids, and I love how you stand over Claire and let her watch you (your black body against our white ceiling -- it's almost as if you know she can see only you due to her visual impairment...).  You stand so still, and her hand will touch your legs, and you almost SMILE, you are so happy.  I love that you love your "siblings" and that you watch over them.  You were my first son, and I love you.  Green snot rockets & all!!!  xo
Mr. Hat, Capricorn, Romeo, whatever the hell your name is... I FRIGGIN' LOVE YOU!  You are ALWAYS right next to me the second I sit down to feed Lola, when I watch TV, as I work at the computer -- you are THERE.  I seriously MAY have given birth to you.  We'll have to double check DNA on that one.  I cannot call you my favorite dog because that would be mean to Prefontaine, but you might just be.  xo 
So now that we got the formalities out of the way, here's the random shit...
The Blender Bottle ~ pretty sure this is THE GREATEST invention *EVER* for mixing shit up.  Ignore my Vitamineral Green/protein powder/raw goat's milk concoction above, but let's just say, NO POWDERY RESIDUE!  It's AWESOME.  Wire whisk-like ball inside whooshes around and perfectly blends to a tee.  LOVE!  (Note:  mixing could get a bit obscene & Shake Weight-esque if you're a dude shakin' your shit... observe proper technique & form or people MIGHT stare & laugh... just FYI!)

While we're on the topic of blending stuff, I canNOT not mention the glorious Vitamix blender which brings me joy & beautiful, green smoothies on a daily basis.  Aaaahhhhh, music (and wayyyyy too many decibels to even count) to my ears!
Family game nights!  I normally lose completely dominate them all, and for that, I apologize.  I may be slightly exaggerating, unless we're talking about Scott & I vs. the rest of the entire f'ing WORLD in Pictionary.  Because I am 1000% sure we will WIN.  We're THAT GOOD.  And anyone who wants to challenge us to possibly dethrone us, it's ON.  We will DESTROY you by over half a board!!!  HA!  (Ask anyone.  It's all true.)
This trash dump I saw in Oklahoma.  BEST COMPANY NAME EVER!
Tiny heads.
I love them.  I find them ENDEARING!  They melt my heart.  Hence the reason I think Anthony Davis should win National Player of the Year (AND also because he is a phenomenal basketball player).  And let me say, I DO think that AD is probably THE HIGHEST FUNCTIONING MICROCEPHALIC I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!  I'm not gonna discuss his infamous unibrow at all, but I will say, he has the CUTEST, tiniest little head EVER!  Aside from my dwarves, of course, who, by the way, are in complete & total AWE of Anthony -- size-wise (dude's 6'10" and 220 lb.!), skill-wise & ability overall.  He rocks!!!!!!
Best car decal EVER!!!!!
I'm SO getting one here.  I don't even care that it's not applicable because I'm female, I NEED this on my swagger wagon!!! 
My newest obsession for the girls... Larkie Lu Bows.  Thanks, Gina!  I could drop a C-note or 3! in less than 4 minutes in your craft room.  NO LIE.  Your work is BEAUTIFUL!!!
If it's not in THX, I don't WANNA listen.  Even that 30 second clip before the movie gives me chills.  Yum!
BURP RAGS.  Yep.  I should own stock in these mofos.  And not the piddly-ass, ultra-thin, damn near transparent, dish towel-like ones shown in the pic that you have to quadruple (thus reducing their size to like 6" x 6" which leaves you basically SCREWED when Pocket refluxes up 3-4 oz. and it's your job to quickly sculpt that microscopic burp rag into a rudimentary bowl-like contraption which will ultimately catch and hold ALL OF IT) just to even make usable.  I mean those HEAVY DUTY MOTHERS -- usually the Gerber ones that are friggin' HUGE when you first buy them then shrink up after washing for maximum absorption and function.  Oh yesssss.  I'd be LOST without 18 of these per hour day.  DAMN REFLUX!  Burp rags are like my calling card when out & about, too.  If I had a dime for every time a total stranger came up to me, handed me one I've apparently dropped (probably because he/she saw the other 14 we have on us) & said, "Ummm, I think this might be yours..." -- I'd be friggin' LOADED.  Never leave home without 'em!
The Nap Nanny!  Could not live without this!  It is the FIRST thing that has allowed me to put Mrs. Pocket down at night and sleep with NO ONE in my arms (though usually only for an hour or so, but I!  WILL!  TAKE IT!!!!)  We start out together, but as soon as she becomes fussy, I try her in this, and USUALLY she digs it (unlike this stellar shot of her). 
... and so does Romeo!!!
(Go hit pause on my Playlist)
Rest in peace, Whitney... I loved your voice SO MUCH.  No one will *EVER* sing this better than you. 

List of loved items will be continued another time... but till then, have a FABULOUS rest-of-Valentine's Day!


Heidi said...

I really enjoyed your list of LOVES! the decal made me laugh outloud!! HA, too funny. At first I missed it, yes get one please! hugs--

Christa Eeikson said...

I loved looking at your pictures and I so enjoyed your funny comments! Well said and hilarious with also a lot of heart...you are an amazing person and I hope to get to know you better!!!! Xoxo-Christa Erikson

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